Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Choose the Right Makeup

Treat your skin well by using quality cosmetics that are non-comedogenic (essentially, something that won't clog pores and/or otherwise make your skin more breakout-prone). Seek out products that will keep your face hydrated but not make it oily. Remember that what is an almost-magic potion for one person may not work at all for another, so be prepared for some trial and error! After moisturizing, use a light foundation with SPF 15 or above to even out your skin tone and keep your skin protected.

If your face is naturally oily, you can choose to use a powder foundation rather than a liquid. Powder foundations contain less oil and will leave your skin with a beautiful matte finish. On the other hand, if your skin is dry, select a liquid or cream foundation that is labeled "moisturizing" or "hydrating."
Also look for make-up containing mineral powder. These all-natural cosmetics are very good for your skin and do not contain chemicals, dyes or fragrances -- which can cause irritation and allergies.

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